Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday Folder News


Thank you to all the families who came to conferences. If you missed your time please call or email Miss Thompson to set up another time. She can meet with you afterschool or another time that works for you and your family.

At conferences families got a lot of good information. Please make sure you read over it.
1.            Everyone should have gotten a white progress report. This is your student’s report card.
2.            Title One students got a yellow progress report.
3.            Everyone got a green sheet of paper with DIBELS scores.
4.            Everyone got an attendance update on a pink half sheet
5.            Everyone should have gotten their FRIDAY FOLDER!!!

If you have any questions about any of these papers please call or email Miss Thompson. I know it can all make sense when you are sitting in the conference and then look like Greek when you get home. Please don’t hesitate to call or email.

Thank you,
Miss Thompson

Fish Hatchery Field Trip
1.            If you have not returned your permission slip please do so ASAP!
2.            I need a few more parents in the afternoon.
3.            Thank you so much to all the parents who signed up to come!!!

Name homework is now first and last name. It has a backside full of sight words. Please have your child trace the sight words and then read the sheet to you! Thank you for your help in solidifying your child’s ability to read these sight words.

School Carnival: 
Please bring in your items this week. I would love to have them all before spring break.