Friday, March 2, 2012

Field Trip!!

I got all the details finished during the two hour delay!!

Fish Hatchery Field Trip

Kindergarten will be going on a short field trip to the local Fish Hatchery on March 22. We will go on a tour, see fish, feed fish and possibly see the inside of a fish. Both classes will be going, but we will be going separately. Morning class will go in the morning. Afternoon will go in the afternoon. This is a FREE field trip. The box-tops are paying for this field trip. Thanks for bring in those box-tops.

I can only do this field trip if I have parent volunteers. Please considering taking the half day off an joining us.

Morning Class
7:40 School starts
8:00 Reading Groups
8:30 Load Bus
8:45 Arrive at Fish Hatchery

Afternoon Class
11:05 kids arrive at school
11:05-11:30 Lunch
11:40 Reading Groups
12:15 Load Bus
12:30 Arrive at Fish Hatchery

Child Name _________________________________________
CIRCLE ONE: Morning Class             Afternoon Class

____ My child can go on the field trip
____ I would like to chaperone

Parent Signature