Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,
             Our letter for the week was I. When you say I your mouth is open and your tongue is slightly lowered. It is a tricky sound because most of the time it comes in the middle of a word. Pig, dig, king…
            We have been working a lot on voice control in Kindergarten. It has been very loud in Kindergarten. Some students yell when they get excited. This week Mrs. Hummer and I have both said “Why are you yelling?” many times. Please reinforce this at home.
            Please work with your child every day with their letter names and sounds. Some students are still struggling with these. The reinforcement at home is important.
            There are a few students who are not returning homework. Please make sure your child does their homework, names and numbers!
            This rain has forced us inside many days this week for recess. We go to the gym when we can. We have been watching a few short movies. These movies are book that have been animated.           
-Miss Thompson

Only ten students have returned their fundraising packets. If you are a family who has not returned it yet please send it  back by TUESDAY at the latest!!!


Please make sure your child has a warm coat. We will still be going to recess in the cold!

I know with the change for Friday that means the morning families will not get Friday Folders. I want everyone to be safe!!! Friday Folders will be sent home on Monday. I know it’s a little different but let’s all be safe.

If you want to pick your child’s Friday folder up in the office please call in the morning and let us know. If school is totally canceled tomorrow that will not be an option.