Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friday Folder News

Here is the news from Friday Folders.....
Hello Families,
Your children are learning to read! We have been working on sight words again this week. Our two sight words are I and See. Your child should be able to read both of these words and write them on their own. Look for a paper book in the Friday Folder that you can practice reading together.
This week we learned the letter M. When you say M, your lips come together. Put your lips together and say mmmmmmm.
The sharing schedule for October is in Friday Folders. It is an off-white/cream-colored piece of paper, morning class on one side and afternoon on the other. Each child has one day for the month. Please bring in something that is your favorite color.
Reading to your child is one of the best ways for your child to learn to read. Please take some time to read to your child every night.
Friday this week, September 30th is going to be a very busy day at school. Thank you for understanding that Friday Folders needed to go home one day early.
Fun in the Sun is tomorrow afternoon, if your child plans on participating they will get wet. A change of clothes is necessary.
            -Miss Thompson
If you have any questions or concerns about Kindergarten feel free to call me 541-367-7168 or email me

Remember ….
Toys from home, stay at home.

Pumpkin Patch Trip
October 18th  - ALL DAY
Details coming soon

Money from the Jog-a-thon is due as soon as possible, but no later then Oct 13.  Thanks!

A special thank you to all the parents who have been helping with projects.

Thank you so much to all of the parents who have been helping their child with their homework! 

Friday Folders!
Please make sure your child’s Friday Folder is returned on Monday!

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