Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,
This week we learned the letter s. When you say s, the tip of your tongue touches your top teeth. It makes a snake sound. The s sound is a continuous sound.
We are learning to read words. Most of the students have mastered I and See. We have started working hard on the, like and my. Yea! Please continue to practice these words at home.
Homework!!! Yea!! I love getting completed homework. Please work on your child’s name and their numbers. Please make sure that you do both parts of the homework!
Book orders are due by November 22. Books make great gifts.
         -Miss Thompson
REMEMBER No School November 11th.

The canned food drive is in full force. The Beavers and Ducks are competing for the bragging rights of bring in the most cans. Who is going to win? Help your team win! Nov 18th is the last day to bring in cans!

The duck and the beaver are coming to visit our school on November 18, 2011. The visit will be in the afternoon. Morning kids are welcome to come back with their parents and/or families. You may come back at 12:00 to see the Duck and Beaver load the school bus with all the cans of food.

         Consistent attendance is vital to academic success at school, especially at the elementary level. If your child is sick (don’t forget to call in and let us know that your child will be absent) please keep them home until they are no longer contagious but otherwise please make sure your child is at school before 7:40 each morning. Tardies have a profoundly negative impact on academic progress. We start our Reading block each morning soon after the bell rings to signify the beginning of school and when students are late they miss out on valuable instruction.
At Hawthorne we call home on each child absence and Mr. Beck personally contacts the families of students with poor attendance (both absences and tardies). The Sweet Home School District also has a truancy officer that will get involved if a student has chronic attendance issues. If you have any questions about the district policy on student attendance, please contact Mr. Beck at 541-367-7167.
A special thank you to all of the parents who have been helping our classroom. Either time spent in the room or doing “Parent Homework” at home. You are a huge help!!

Be sure to check out the Kindergarten website for photos and news!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about Kindergarten feel free to call me
541-367-7168 or email me