Friday, November 18, 2011

Field Trip!!!!

Capital Field Trip!

December 14, 2011 we will be going on an all day field trip to the Capital in Salem, Oregon. We will be riding the bus! There are a limited number of spots for chaperones.

We will leave at 8:00, students need to be at school by 7:40. At the Capital we will hear a story about Oregon. Check Friday Folders for more news later! We will also go on a tour of the building. We will eat lunch in the Rotunda while listening to a high school choir perform. We will return to school by 1:30.

The cost is $2.00 per person. This will cover the cost of the bus. Please return the money when you return the permission slip. 

Please Return November 21, 2011

Child’s Name _________________________________________________________
Circle One:           Morning Class                  Afternoon Class

____ School Lunch
____ Lunch from Home

____ $2.00 for my child to attend

_____ I would like to be a chaperone