Saturday, September 17, 2011


***This note went home in Friday Folders. If you lost yours or want to fill out another form for Grandma or someone else just print this one off, or sent a note with your child and I can send another one home. Thank you in advance to all of our wonderful volunteers!

Would you like to volunteer in our classroom? We would love to have you!  Perhaps you can stay for half an hour in the morning after dropping your child off. Or you could come 45 minutes early to pick up your child at the end of their school day.

Please fill out the form below and on the back of this sheet of paper. All family members are welcome to volunteer, parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. Once you fill out this sheet I will send home a background check to be filled out and processed with the office per district requirements.

There are no special talents needed to be a volunteer, sometimes I just need someone to listen to a student read or help cut out shapes.

I want to volunteer:
Check as many boxes as you’d like

Mondays _____________________
 Tuesdays _____________________
Wednesdays __________________
Thursdays ____________________
Fridays _______________________
Library Parent Monday 8:30-9:00
Library Parent Monday 12:30-1:00
I want to help with Friday Folders
Friday Mornings
Thursday Afternoons
Special Parties/Days at school
Field Trips
I would like to volunteer from home
I would like to help with Box Tops for Education

Do you have any special talents you would like to share with our class? ________________________ ______________________

Name ______________________________
Child’s Name __________________________
Phone _____________________________
Email ______________________________