Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,
Our letter for the week was Gg. When you say g your mouth is open and your tongue is humped at the back of your mouth. Please practice at home with your child.
We had two sight words this week, mom and dad. Please practice the sight words at home. See if your child can make the sight word out of his or her cheerio snack or try another fun idea.
       Please work with your child every day with their letter names and sounds. Some students are still struggling with these. The reinforcement at home is important.
       There are a few students who are not returning homework. Please make sure your child does their homework, names and numbers!
WOW!! So much has been going on in Kindergarten. Please read the website to stay up to date.
Valentines day is coming soon! If you are going to buy valentines please make sure you buy one for every child. There are 20 kids in the morning class and 20 in the afternoon. Please don’t forget about Mrs. Hummer or Miss. Thompson
-Miss Thompson

MATH HOMEWORK math homework now has two sides!!! We have been learning to count by tens. The backside of the math homework will reinforce this skill at home.

Words we know:
I       see       the       can       and
my       mom       dad       here       school
a       we       like       to       go

These are the sight words we know how to read! Practice at home!

Every week I send home completed work in Friday Folders. If it says “Please Finish” or “Homework” please finish the paper at home and send it back to school so Miss Thompson can see it.

FEB 3, 2012

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about Kindergarten feel free to call me
541-367-7168 or email me