Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,
This week we learned the letter F. When you say f, your top teeth touch your bottom lip. You should feel your top teeth touch your bottom lip.  Please ask your child if they know any words that start with F. We continued our study of I and See.
Remember next week is busy!! Monday is normal. Tuesday is the pumpkin patch field trip. Wednesday is no school for Kindergarten (big kids have a half day). Wednesday and Thursdays are conferences. Friday is no school for anyone!
            Conferences are super important! Please make sure you show up. Conferences are only 20 minutes long so please make sure you are on time.
There are so many good things in your Friday Folder this week. Be sure to check out each page.
Reading to your child is one of the best ways for your child to learn to read. Please take some time to read to your child every night.
            -Miss Thompson

A special thank you to all the parents who have been doing projects at home. Sharpening pencils, washing name practice sheets, art projects and so much more. Thank you so much parents!!!!

Pumpkin Patch
If you have not turned in your money turn it in ASAP!!!!

Remember ….
Toys from home, stay at home.

Friday Folders!
Please make sure your child’s Friday Folder is returned on Monday!

If you have any questions or concerns about Kindergarten feel free to call me 541-367-7168 or email me

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