Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,

Our letter for the week was Yy. When you say Yy your tongue is humped and in the back of your mouth. The correct way to write a y is “Smiley face, monkey tail” Ask you child to show you this y. We have been zooming through the alphabet. The only letters we have left are; v, x, and q. The students should know all the letter names and almost all the sounds. 

            Reading with your child is a great way to help them. The kindergarten students are able to read on their own at this point. Please keep reading at home!

            The carnival is coming. MAY 4th from 5:00 – 7:00, Please plan on attending. Thank you to all the families who signed up to bring something for the Garden or Pasta basket. Please bring your item in!!!!!! If you can’t go to the store but want to send money Miss Thompson can do the shopping for you. If you would like to buy something extra we could use more boxes of pasta and see packets.

            I need some parents to volunteer to run a game at the school carnival. Can you sign up for a one hour shift? Send a note back in Friday Folders if you can.

            The snow days have forced us to add another day to the end of the school year. Kindergarten kids will now have school on June 12th. NO KINDERGARTEN on June 13th (the 1st – 6th graders will have a half day)

            Homework. The back of name homework has sight words. Have your child read these words in addition to writing them! Thanks!



-Miss Thompson

We have started talking about the difference between questions and comments. We have spent a little bit of time talking about question words. Can your child tell the difference between a question and comment?

Please return school pictures or money to purchase the photos you wish to keep!

April 20