Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friday Folder News

Hello Families,
Our letter for the week was Qq. When you say Qq the back of your tongue is humped and in the back on your mouth. Then your lips make a circle. Qq was our very last letter. We will continue to work on all the letters and sounds. We will also start introducing blends!!
            Reading with your child is a great way to help them. The kindergarten students are able to read on their own at this point. Please keep reading at home!
            The carnival is TONIGHT. MAY 4th from 5:00 – 7:00, Please plan on attending.
            Homework. The back of name homework has sight words. Have your child read these words in addition to writing them! Thanks!
            There are lots of reminders in Friday Folders about school stuff, please read them.
            Please make sure you are being safe when dropping off and picking up your student. There have been a few near misses with school buses in the morning at drop off time. Remember the area right outside of Miss Thompson’s windows is a bus zone.
            Book orders are due back on Monday May 7th. There are lots of good books in there. Many of them are very cheap. Books make great end of the year presents.
            Reptile day is May 17th. At 1:00 we will have a visit from the reptile club at the Junior High. Morning class kids are welcome to come back with a parent for this presentation. Lunch bunch kids will join us for part of the presentation. If you are a parent who wants to join us, please do!!
Please return school pictures or money to purchase the photos you wish to keep!

-Miss Thompson